2024 in Review, Part 1: Books

I read 114 books last year, which was just over my goal of two per week. This includes audio books, e-books and classic paper books, as I usually read at least one of each at any given time.

Five Favorites

French Books

This was the year I completed the Duolingo French course, and found I was able to read more French books in their original language.

During the summer, I read Les Vacances Du Petit Nicolas, which is still as funny as I remember it being when it was read to us as kids in summer camp some 40+ years ago (in German translation).

As a fan of Gaston Lagaffe (Viggo in Norwegian), I was excited to get my hands on a brand-new book, Le Retour de Lagaffe, which is entirely in the spirit of the old Franquin books, and clearly made with love and adoration for the old master.

And after re-reading all the Tintin books over the past year (alas, in English), I’m excited to have Les vrais secrets de La Licorne on my to-read pile for 2025, courtesy of my sister who really came through for my Christmas present. I was afraid the book would be out of print, but she managed to find a well-used copy on the internet.