To the casual European observer, several questions pose themselves:

  1. Why wouldn’t you get the flu shot from your physician?
  2. Why does a grocery store have a pharmacy?
  3. Why would my grocery bill get reduced for doing what’s good for me?
  4. You mean I have to pay for a flu shot? What do we have insurance for?
  5. Who wouldn’t want a flu shot? Do people really believe they cause autism?

My teeth are killing me

I was at the dentist on Wednesday. One of my lower wisdom teeth had a hole, and it seemed like a good time to pull the bastard, so that’s what she did. Only during the procedure, the crown broke off, and a piece of the root was left in my jaw, where it wasn’t possible to get it out without major surgery.

So tomorrow (one week later) I’m going to see a surgeon. In the meantime, the tooth (or what’s left of it) hurts. Or more precisely:


I’ve eaten nearly 30 ibuprofen tablets since wednesday, and they give me about 4-6 hours of peace before I’m screaming again. Luckily, I can sleep even with the pain, the whole thing seems to calm down. And I’m drinking camomille tea, in the hope that it helps against something. I seem to remember that’s what my mother gave me as a child.