Music made only from Windows system sounds. Another one here.
Norwegian Goodness: BigBang
Among the things I like best about Norway is the music here. For a country this size, it’s amazing how much good music they put out. I mean, compared to Sweden, Norway is really unpopulated. Yet how many swedish bands do you know apart from ABBA? Exactly. Me neither.
Today it’s been BigBang that have been playing in my head, especially their song “Something Special”. I like it, so by extension, you will like it too. Try to catch it somewhere, and while you’re at it, buy the albums.
What is the music like? It’s good old Rock and Roll, they almost sound like a 70s band, with Hammond organ, alternating accoustic and electric guitars. “Wild Bird” and “Girl in Oslo” were big hits over here.
Did you ever write my name with a fountain pen
in your books or on a table, did you tell your friends
that I was someone special?
There’s a concert at Rockefeller next month. I’m off to get me tickets.
Songs inspired by SPAM
Durch Penny Arcade bin ich heute auf diese coole Sammlung von Musik aufmerksam geworden. Songs, die sich eine Zeile oder mehr aus einer Spam email nehmen, und nicht nur ein oder zwei, nein ein ganzes Album voll. Sehr unterschiedliche Musik von Independent Bands, einiges sogar recht lustig.
Mein Favorit: Uncle Azathoth – Urgent business Confidential. Überhaupt nicht meine Musik, aber gut gemacht 🙂 Und Justin Bacon – My Parents Are Gone For The Weekend (explicit lyrics) ist auch Spitze.