- A Stick Figure Guide to AES
- The Hobbit, rewritten as a 419 Scam
- ASCII Portal has been released. And it’s fun!
- 50 Things I Never Need To Hear At Another Conference – the best thing I’ve seen coming from AGDC (or GDCA?) this year.
- Talk To Your Kids About Sex
Linkage 11: Dude, Where’s My Data?
Let’s all remember that Personal data is as hot as nuclear waste.
- Travelers’ Laptops May Be Detained At Border
- Feds accuse bank insider of massive data heist (The Register)
- Wenn Zöllner Copyright-Cops werden (via lawblog)
- Unencrypted traveler data laptop disappears from airport (The Register)
- British tax authority lost 25 million households records because privacy isn’t a priority there (via BoingBoing)
Linkage Ten
Neat things that caught my eye lately:
- cross-stitched princess peach shirt
- Spaceship Bookcases
- Budget Hero game.
- Afro Samurai
- Guitar Hero On Tour. Worst Attempt at viral marketing. Ever.
- The Birds Barbie Doll. What an unusual mix that is.
Linkage Four
- Subprime Mortgages explained
- Pilot Fires Gun in Cockpit – why giving guns to pilots does not make us safe.
- Your Name on Toast
- Review of The Ice Pirates.
The Ice Pirates is one of those movies that inexplicably became a milestone in my own movie upbringing. When we watched this as kids, we decided we could make a movie at least as good as this and set out to make our own cardboard props and filmed a dew minutes with a VHS camera before we realized that no, we couldn’t really.
Linkage Fife
Linkage Three
To celebrate the recent attacks on it, this site has gotten a facelift. Like it?
- Fireball Shooter – Alke and Manfred should love this.
- A Time Traveller Wiki – that idea is so simple and brilliant, why hasn’t anyone done this earlier?
- Das Fest des Huhnes is a documentary about Austria with a twist – it’s told from the view of an African film crew.
- Do Not Reply!
Linkage Two
- Dirty Deutsch
- Some Music
- Etch-A-Sketch Clock
- Bernd in Hell (classic German kids’ TV)
Links of the week
Links of the week
Save the Rhino
Asheron’s Call Consolidation